Teacher Information
All our teachers need to be DBS checked. Please ask the admin team for your log in details.
Letter to new teachers
Dear Teachers,
Salamun alaikum.
Thank you for volunteering to teach in the Madresah and welcome to our new teachers in 2020.
Our job as the Madrasah Management Team is to support you in your teaching so that we work together to provide the best possible Islamic education we can for our children. We will commit to providing our teachers with the following::
- Directing you towards appropriate teaching resources that the Madrasah owns and is aware of outside its premises.
- Supporting you to purchase extra resources if appropriate to enhance the teaching session.
- Helping manage class discipline to ensure all students benefit from the lesson.
- Listening to your feedback and acting upon it.
Please support us in return by committing to the following:
- It is Madrasah policy that everyone who works with the children should be DBS checked. Please ensure that your DBS checks are completed before teaching sessions begin. Please contact admin@husaynimadrasah.co.uk to organise this.
- If you require resources to be printed for your session please send them to husaynimadrasahprinting@gmail.com by the end of Wednesday we will ensure that they are ready for you on Sunday..
- Please arrive 5 minutes before your lesson every Sunday in order to collect resources and be ready for your class. The children are young and can’t be left unsupervised if you are late.
- The Madrasah works runs on a very limited number of tightly scheduled teachers. Your absence impacts many hours of teaching time, children and parent satisfaction and attitudes to learning as well as the burden that has to be taken on by your colleagues. If, for any reason, you cannot attend, please let Aasiya Versi know as far in advance as possible. She will provide you with a list of bank staff. Please organise cover from amongst these people (who should all be DBS checked) –rather than asking a family member to cover you. Please ensure you discuss your lesson plan and forward any teaching resources to them so that continuity is maintained for the children.
We expect teacher absences to be rare. Please confirm the cover details with Aasiya Versi emailing her and copying in your covering partner so that all are aware. Please discuss with Aasiya Versi if you are having difficulty.
Contact details:
- E-mail:admin@husaynimadrasah.co.uk
- Please follow the syllabus provided as far as possible. Feel free to produce new worksheets for your class to help deliver the syllabus. These will be vetted by your department representative and will then be available on the Madrasah website for parents, students and other teachers to download
- If you wish to add any extra material to the syllabus/resources please feed back to the department representative who can review, vet and assist. Representatives for each subject are as follows.
Qur’an: Perviz Asaria
Fiqh: Aasiya Versi
Arabic: Iman Amin
Islamic History: Ahmed Versi
Current Affairs: Ahmed Versi
We hope you enjoy your time teaching with us and that you find it fulfilling. May Allah (swt) reward you for your efforts.