Class 9 & 10
Classes 9 and 10 are taught together and the syllabus will alternate between Class 9 and 10 each year, so by the end of the two years, all items are covered.
Surahs: Fajr, A’ala
Reading; Read with fluency and learn common Arabic words
Husayni Madrasah Book 5
Fiqh – Class 9
1. Tawheed:
- a. roots of idol worship
- b. scientists’ belief in God
- c. siffat subutuyyiah
- d. Asmaa ul Husna: 30 names of Allah with meanings
2. Nubuwah and Imamah:
- a. Ismah of Anbiya and Aimma
3. Al Ma’ad:
- a. different names of Qiyamah
- b. barzakh
- c. qiraaman, katibeen
- d. signs of al Ma’ad
4. Taharah:
- a. adab of baitul khala (toilet) – istinja and istibra
- b. mutahhiraat – inquilab, Islam, intiqal
- c. wudhu – shurut (requirements)
- i. muqddamatil widhu (impediments)
- ii. mubtilat wudhu – unconsciousness, when ghusl becomes necessary
- iii. mustahabbat of wudhu
- d. ghusl
- i. difference between haidh and istihaza (for girls)
- ii. types of istihaza (for girls)
5. Salah:
- a. Wajib Ghayr rukn – explanation of Qiraat, Dhikr, Tashahud, Salaam, Tartib, Muwalat
- b. Qadha Salah – types and how to repay
- c. Shak – which invalidates Salah, solutions to common Shak in Rakaa
- d. Salah of Ihtiyat – when and how to pray
- e. Sajdatus Sahw – when and how to perform
- f. Salatul Jum’ah
- i. method of joining
- ii. rules of Qiraat and Dhikr
6. Sawm:
- a. Wajib fasts – others
- b. Sunnah fasts
- c. Moon sighting
7. Al-Ijtihad:
- a. necessity of Taqlid
- b. previous Mujtahidul A’lam
- c. present Mujtahideen
8. Dua and Ziyarat
- a. dua after Dhuhr and Asr Salah
- b. dua for months of Rajab, Shahr Ramadan
- c. best times for reciting dua
9. Auspicious occasions:
- a. Laylatul Qadr
- b. Laylatul Baraat
- c. Laylatul Jum’ah
- d. Eid ul Jum’ah
Akhlaq – Class 9
1. Adaab
- a. of walking and behaviour in streets
- b. respect for signs of Allah
- c. general cleanliness
- d. rights of neighbours
- e. Iyadah (visiting the sick)
- f. rights of relatives
- g. caring for disabled persons
- h. love for orphans
- i. respect for others property
- j. mode of dressing for men and women
2. Virtues:
- a. imparting knowledge (ilm ul deen)
- b. remembrance (dhikr of Allah)
- c. keeping promises
- d. bravery
- e. cheerfulness
3. Vices:
- a. arrogance (Takabbur)
- b. self conceit (Ujb)
- c. persistence in commiting sins
- d. haste
- e. rudeness
- f. backbiting (Ghibah)
- g. extravagance
- h. singing, dancing and listening to music (according to some)
- i. vengeance
- j. boasting (Fakhr)
- k. parents:
- i. displeasing parents or looking at them with hatred
- ii. disobeying and rebelling against parents
- iii. obedience to parents and obligation (wajib)
- iv. when NOT to obey parents
- v. mothers are more deserving of good
- vi. rights of fathers on sons
- vii. rights of parents after their demise
Fiqh – Class 10
1. Tawhid:
- a. proof of unity of Allah from the universe
- b. Asmaaul Husna – remaining 49 names of Allah with meanings
- c. purpose of creation
2. Adalah:
- a. Jabr and Qadr – incident of Bahlul
3. Imamah:
- a. appointment of Khalifas by Allah
- b. superiority of Imam Ali (AS) and Ahlul Bayt
4. Al Ma’ad:
- a. meaning of death
5. Simple definition of the following:
- a. Wajibul Ayni
- b. Fawri
- c. Taykiri
- d. Kifai
6. Taharah:
- a. meaning of Hadath and Khabath with examples
- b. najasah – characteristics of Mannii (semen), need of ghusl Janabah, evil of masturbation
- c. mutahhirat – Taba’iya, Ghaybat Muslim, Zawal ul Ayn, Istibra, flowing of blood, Islam
- d. Ghusl
- i. types of wajib ghusl (janabah, massul, mayyit)
- ii. method o performing tartibi and irtimasi ghusl
- iii. Haraam actions when in janabah (boys) or haidh / nifas (girls)
- iv. Makruh actions when in janabah (boys) or haidh / nifas (girls)
7. Salah:
- a. shak in salah and their remedies
- b. salatul musafir (traveller)
- c. qadha salah of walidayn (parents)
- d. Salatul Ijara
- e. Salatul Eid
- f. Salatul Hadiyyatul Walidayn
- g. Salatul Jam’ah
- i. merits of being in congregation
- ii. importance of thawaab
- iii. spriritual benefits
- iv. conditions – Qiraat and Dhikr rulels
- v. method of joining
- h. Salatul Jum’ah
- i. when it becomes wajib
- ii. necessary Masails – number of people, Khutabatain method
8. Sawm:
- a. mubtilat (what makes it batil) – istimma, mujame’at (intercourse), being in janabah at Subh sadik
- b. persons exempted – pregnant, waning, old / weak, sicm (thirsty) in haidh or nifas, traveller
- c. consequences of not fasting
- d. qadha of fasts
9. Ijtihad:
- a. meaning of Adik, A’lam and Marja
- b. ways of obtaining the fatwas of a mujtahid
10. Dua and Ziyarat:
- a. dua during performance of wudhu
- b. dua after salatul subh
- c. Hadithul Kisa
- d. Ziyaratul Waritha
11. Hajj:
- a. types of Hajj
- b. Mustatii – persons on whom Hajj becomes wajib
- c. wajibat of Umrah tamattu
12. Zakat;
- a. types of Zakat
- b. Zakatul Fitrah – simple masails
Akhlaq – Class 10
1. Adaab:
- a. personal hygiene – removal of pubic hair (for boys)
- b. Hijab
- i. hijab for men
- ii. appropriate mode of dressing
- iii. decency
- iv. prohibition of wearing gold and silk (for men)
- v. avoidance of looking at what one must not see
- vi. mahram and non-mahram (definition)
2. Virtues:
- a. cheerfulness
- b. piety (Taqwa)
- c. using opportunities (Fursa) and not wasting time
- d. living and dying for Allah
- e. keeping promises
- f. hospitality
- g. night vigil for Ibadah (e.g Salahul Layl)
3. Vices:
- a. onanism (Istimna)
- b. extravagance (asraaf)
- c. boasting and vain talk
- d. spying into others affairs
- e. vengeance
- f. miserliness (Bukhl)
- g. misuse of time
- h. discrimination
- i. attending cinema halls and listening to music (according to some)
- j. cheating
- k. haste
- l. laziness
- m. abusing others
- n. discord and dissention (Fitna)
- o. aversion for good deeds (e.g. Salah, Jihad)
Islamic History
- 4th Imam
- Mukhtar and Tawwabun
- Muhammad ibn Hanafia
- Abdullah ibn Zubayr
- Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan (Muawiyah 1)
- Yazid
- Muawiya-ibn Abu Yazid (Muawiya 11)
- Marwan ibn Hakam
- Abdal Malik ibne Marwan
- Al -Walid ibn Abdal-Malik (Walid 1)
- Hajjaj bin Yusuf
- Qambar
- Kumayl ibn Ziad
- Saeed ibn Jubayr
- Sulayman ibn Abdal-Malik
- Umar ibn Abdul Aziz ibn Marwan (Umar 11)
- Hisham ibn Abdal-Malik
- Zara bin ali Zain-ul-Abedin
- Sulayman bin Malik
- Hisham
- Al Walid ibn Yazid ibn Abdal-Malik (Walid 11)
- Yazid Ibn al-Walid (1) ibn Abdal Malik (Yazid 111)
- Ibrahim ibn al-Walid (1) ibn Abdal Malik
- Marwan ibn Muhammad ibn Marwan (Marwan 11)
Current Affairs
Learning how to become a real force for the betterment of the world around us